The programme is competency-based and takes into consideration the current needs of society, those of the student midwife and trends in midwifery. The extent to which a programme responds to the needs of the community is indicative of the degree of relevance of the programme.
Additional topics such as Integrated Management of Childhood and Newborn Illness (IMCNI), Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria (IPT), Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health services, Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR), Community-based Health Planning and Services (CHPS), Behaviour Change Communication (BCC), Regenerative Health and Nutrition, Infection Prevention in Midwifery and updates in Safe motherhood and HIV/AIDS (PLHWA, PMTCT, VCT) have been included.
The clinical practice is also student-centered in order to allow close correlation between theory and practice. Even though supervision and safety of practice in the clinical area should be a joint responsibility of nurse-educators and clinicians, the use of learning guides and nursing process in midwifery forms an integral part of the training programme. This will be arranged so that supervisory responsibility would be that of the preceptor. This will be augmented with the students’ clinical schedule books for competency building.
Nursing in Ghana started in the latter part of the 19th century With the formal beginning of medicine in 1878, it became apparent that there were too few British nurses and that locals were needed to support the medical doctors, bathe and feed patients and dress their wounds. Those that were trained at this time were predominantly male. Nursing education was however regularized in the early part of the 20th century that started in Kumasi and Korle-bu. However, in response to the need for more nurses, it become essential to train more nurses, hence the increase number of schools and intake of students in the training schools.